The Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) is a silo-busting collaboration between governments, businesses, civil society, and technologists to open up and transform government contracting worldwide, as per its website. It seeks to “bring open data and open government together to make sure public money is spent openly, fairly, and effectively.”
This webinar will explore how Open Contracting can promote better procurement outcomes and increased transparency, focusing on Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
We will host the Open Contracting Partnership’s Volodymir Tarnay and Edwin Muhumuza for a discussion on how open, accessible, and timely information on public contracting can engage citizens and businesses to deliver results. The webinar will focus on Open Contracting developments in countries such as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda.
Volodymir Tarnay, Program Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Open Contracting Partnership
Edwin Muhumuza, Head of Africa, Open Contracting Partnership
Gabriel Torres, Director of Debt and Fiscal Governance Program, EMIA (moderator))
Debt and Fiscal Governance Program: Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) - Using Open Contracting to Promote Better Procurement Outcomes & Increased Transparency in Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa