Biodiversity is inextricably linked to climate change, food security, clean air and water, and our health and safety. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), we have altered approximately 75% of the earth's land. We are getting closer to a global biodiversity threshold, which, if crossed, could lead to its irreversible decline and large-scale economic loss.
Financial institutions play a crucial role in protecting and reversing biodiversity loss via their investments, loans, and insurance, not only to companies with high exposure to it but also via their supply chains. At the same time, their investments, loans, and insurance portfolios are also at risk from extreme weather effects and associated social and economic loss.
The webinar will focus on the status of biodiversity, its risks and opportunities to society and the economy, and actions and frameworks available to financial institutions to tackle such an important issue. EM financial institutions will also talk about the challenges and opportunities associated with it.
Annelisa Grigg, Board Member (Partnership Biodiversity Accounting Financials), Senior Associate (Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Cambridge University), Fellow (UNEP-WCMC), Director (Globalbalance Ltd.) and Technical Committee - Biodiversity (Global Reporting Initiative)
Gert Kruger, Chief Risk Officer, FirstRand
Catalina Cano Zapata, Leader of International Agenda on Sustainability, Bancolombia
Maria Tinedo, Director, Financial Institutions Program, EMIA (moderator)
Financial Institutions Program: Nature - An Overlooked Risk and Unrealized Opportunity for Financial Institutions