EMIA hosted Garam Bel of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) who presented on a toolkit from the ITU and World Economic Forum (WEF) which provides African national and local governments with a guide that underpins the system requirements for the management of e-waste.
The management of e-waste is of increasing policy concern due to the growing digitalization of African societies, higher rates of urbanization and an upsurge in mobile broadband Internet and devices. The toolkit considers the need for an all-actors approach and for the fair, inclusive timely application of the extended producer responsibility principle. The toolkit may be referred to for the entire system or for the individual pillars of business and finance, policy and regulation, technology and skills, monitoring and control, and marketing and awareness.
Garam Bel is the E-waste Officer for the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) at the ITU where he oversees e-waste activities, covering policy development and awareness-raising.
This event was exclusive to emerging markets investment professionals.
TMT Program : Environmental Focus on Africa