EMIA NOTES 06-12-2023

EMIA Notes - June 12, 2023




Upcoming Webinars

Recordings of Prior Webinars

Volunteer Opportunities



1. London & New York Happy Hours for EMIA Members and Guests

Please join us in London or New York to reconnect, meet new emerging market colleagues, and hear more about EMIA’s work on transforming emerging market finance into a force for good. 
London, June 20:  Our President and Founder, Ashok Parameswaran, will be in town participating in BIVA Day UK and the Responsible Investor Europe Conference.
Global Evolution, an EMIA member, will host drinks and hors d'oeuvres at their offices on Tuesday, June 20, from 6 pm until 8 pm.

Global Evolution Fondsmæglerselskab A/S
24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ

Please RSVP to Claire Meier Underhill at claire.meier@emia.org  

New York, June 27: Join our President and Founder, Ashok Parameswaran, and EMIA staff at P.S. Kitchen for no-host drinks starting at 5:30 pm EDT on Tuesday, June 27. 

P.S. Kitchen 
246 W 48th St, New York, NY 10036

Please RSVP to Jane Heap at jane.heap@emia.org 



Open to:  EMIA members, partners, and affiliates; financial professionals; civil society and multilateral ESG experts; and staff of national governments and publicly listed companies.
11:00 am EDT
4:00 pm BST
1. Racial Equity Pact Brazil: How the ESG Racial Protocol Engages Corporate Brazil to Better Integrate Racial Minorities Into the Professional Workforce (Health, Education and Human Rights Program Webinar)
Thursday, June 15, 11 am EDT / 4 pm BST
Social and, specifically, racial inequality is one of Brazil’s most significant challenges. Blacks, who comprise 56% of the population, are starkly underrepresented among professionals. One of the top obstacles to the training of black professionals is the low quality of public education.
Pacto Promoção da Equidade Racial developed a Racial ESG Protocol for Brazil and is promoting its adoption by companies and institutional investors. The Racial ESG Protocol is an excellent opportunity for companies to develop a stand and a narrative consistent with this new demand from society and support greater social justice by promoting the productive inclusion of the Black population.
The initiative has received various awards and is supported by many national and international institutions, among others UN Global Compact and ANBIMA.

Members from Pacto Promoção da Equidade Racial and corporate Brazil will explain how the protocol has been developed, what the different elements are, how it is working so far, and how international investors can support the initiative. 


Jair Ribeiro, Founder, Parceiros da Educação

Gilberto Costa, Head, Pacto Promoção da Equidade Racial

Uwe Schillhorn, Director, Health, Education and Human Rights Program, EMIA (moderator) 
10:00 am EDT
3:00 pm BST
2. EMIA's Enhanced Labeled Bond Campaign: Working to Raise the Standards in Labeled Bond Issuance (ESG Initiative Webinar) 
Tuesday, June 20, 10 am EDT/ 3 pm BST 
Join the conversation with EMIA's Enhanced Labeled Bond Campaign Director Eva Sanchez-Ampudia, and learn more about the evolution of the campaign launched earlier this year and the next steps for EMIA's labeled bond work.  

EMIA's Labeled Bond Standards (ELBS) provide guidelines for market practices that aim to make a meaningful contribution to improving the credibility of ESG debt and the impact of the financing. EMIA’s Working Group on labeled bonds developed them in consultation with stakeholders across the emerging market community. 

The Uruguay SSLB 5.750% USD bond due in 2034, which settled on October 28, 2022, is fully consistent with EMIA’s ELBS, which introduces significant improvements over prevailing practices. The standards encourage an elevated level of transparency and more stringent terms and conditions in new ESG-related bonds.

There’s still work to do amongst investors, issuers, investment banks, 2nd party opinion providers, and other organizations in raising labeled bond standards and addressing challenges in the sector.  Eva will explore the next steps for EMIA on this path. 


Eva Sanchez-Ampudia, Director, Enhanced Labeled Bond Campaign, EMIA 

Luiza Dias Lopes Vasconcellos, Head, Negocios ESG, Itau BBA

Claire Meier Underhill, Head, Memberships & Partnerships, EMIA (moderator)
9:00 am EDT
2:00 pm BST
3. Health and Safety in Mining
(Extractive Industries Program Webinar)
Tuesday, June 27, 9 am EDT / 2 pm BST

At the request of the Extractive Industries Working Group members, with this webinar, we are beginning to develop the topic of occupational safety in the mining industry in depth.
Employee Health & Safety is a material issue for the metals & mining industry, according to SASB. Taking care of its employees makes a company's operations more sustainable and productive in the long run. It reduces its legal and financial risks. Maintaining proper occupational health & safety standards makes sense not just for social considerations but for economic reasons, too.
This is a broad topic. Mining safety issues include exposure to dangerous chemicals, occupational diseases, injuries from heavy machinery and explosives, hearing loss, heat, UV exposure, and many other hazards. We will not be able to cover all aspects in one webinar, but we hope it will begin a series of informative and practical events.
Halshka Graczyk from the
International Labour Organization, the global standard setter in this area, will focus on the fundamental principles and conventions and their relevance for emerging markets.

Halshka Graczyk, Technical Specialist on Occupational Safety and Health, International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Pavel Laberko, Director, Extractive Industries Program, EMIA (moderator)


1. How Stock Exchanges Can Create Sustainable Investment Opportunities: Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) and the Mexican Private Sector (ESG Initiative Webinar), held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 

The ESG Initiative held a webinar with Maria Ariza and Iker Vinageras Massieu from Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA). The speakers discuss BIVA's incubator program that helps Mexican corporates understand investor demand for sustainability information and deliver relevant data. They highlighted how BIVA becomes an example of how stock exchanges can effectively support higher quality disclosures and sustainability best practice adoption.

More Prior Webinars
Our webinar recordings are available to EMIA members and partners. To watch them visit our events page.



1. Volunteer Opportunities

The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance could not function without its many volunteers who contribute their skills to our future. If you want to be part of our project, please send us an email at applicants@emia.org including your resume/ or LinkedIn profile, and mentioning "Volunteer Opportunities" in the subject line.



The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to enable institutional investors to use the power of their collective capital and voices to advocate for a more sustainable future. EMIA "Programs" are activities that bring together investors, policy experts, and governments or companies for the purpose of improving ESG best practice adoption. EMIA Programs focus on sovereigns (e.g., Government Debt and Fiscal Governance Program, Sovereign Decarbonization) and on sectors (e.g., Agricultural Program, Extractive Industries, Financials Program and Telecom, Media, and Technology Program).
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