EMIA Notes - September 25, 2023
Recordings of Prior Webinars
1. 7th Annual ESG Engagement Conference
We invite you to our 7th Annual ESG Engagement Conference, the longest-running forum dedicated to advancing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) best practices in emerging markets through education and engagement.
November 16 (in-person in New York and online): Presentations by ESG policy experts, issuers, and investors who will delve into corporate and sovereign ESG themes critical to investor engagement and shed light on best practices.
November 17 (online): Small group meetings with sovereign and corporate issuers to address specific ESG issues and gain valuable insights from industry leaders. Presentations from leading ESG experts.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including:
- Financial funding for climate goals
- EMIA’s Enhanced Labeled Bond Standards
- Water stewardship in the food and beverage industry
- ESG standards for national oil companies
- Challenges surrounding ethical AI
Our webinars are open to EMIA members, partners, and affiliates; financial professionals; civil society and multilateral ESG experts; and staff of national governments and publicly listed companies. |
9:00 am EDT
2:00 pm BST
1. GHG Accounting: How Emissions Are Measured, Reported, and Verified
(Carbon Transition Initiative and Sovereign Decarbonization Program Webinar)
Tuesday, September 26, 9 am EDT / 2 pm BST
All of us see the numbers for historical, current, and projected emissions all over the media, but do we really understand where they are coming from? Do we know how these numbers are measured or estimated, how their quality is monitored, and how reliable and comparable they are? The Carbon Transition Initiative and the Sovereign Decarbonization Program invite you to our next event dedicated to GHG accounting. Experts from the UNFCCC Secretariat are going to discuss how carbon emissions are measured, reported, and verified.
Most countries have already submitted their annual climate targets (the so-called “nationally determined contributions”), some of them including long-term emission reduction pledges by 2050, but can we trust these promises and the data they are based on?
Xuehong Wang, Vitor Gois Ferreira, and Davor Vesligaj from the UNFCCC Secretariat represent the team that is developing the global methodologies for GHG accounting. At this webinar, investors will have an opportunity to hear what they have to say and ask pertinent questions.
Xuehong Wang, Manager, Transparency Division, UNFCCC Secretariat
Vitor Gois Ferreira, Team Lead, GHG Inventory Unit, Transparency Division, UNFCCC Secretariat
Davor Vesligaj, Programme Officer, NC/BR Unit, Transparency Division, UNFCCC Secretariat
Arturo Porzecanski, Senior Advisor, EMIA (moderator) |
10:00 am EDT
3:00 pm BST
2. Governance Challenges for Oil and Mineral-Producing Economies In Transition
(Sovereign Decarbonization Program)
Thursday, October 5, 10 am EDT / 3 pm BST
Oil and mineral-producing countries face new governance challenges in the wake of ongoing climate change and energy transition.
How does the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) assess the risks these countries face? How does it help civil society and governments to deal with those risks? How does it work with countries to speed up their adaptation to global trends and build more sustainable and inclusive economies? What is the role of objective indicators and regular assessments to drive positive change and promote transparency, accountability, and reform? What lessons has NRGI learned from working in a dozen resource-rich countries in Latin America, Middle East/North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa? How can institutional investors be of help?
NRGI is an independent, non-profit organization consisting of 80 professionals who support informed, inclusive decision-making about natural resources and the energy transition. The organization envisions a world where natural resources enable fair, prosperous, and sustainable societies – instead of undermining them. This, achieving inclusive resource governance and a just transition to sustainable economies, is vital in resource-rich countries.
From optimally governing the extraction of metals needed for green technologies to decisions about the fossil fuels that are overheating our atmosphere, many of the keys to sustainable development lie in resource-rich countries, where NRGI partners with reformers in civil society and government to design and implement just policies based on evidence and citizen priorities.
Ana Carolina Gonzalez Espinosa, Senior Director for Programs, Natural Resource Governance Institute
Arturo C. Porzecanski, Senior Advisor, EMIA (moderator) |
9:00 am EDT
2:00 pm BST
3. Investors’ Risks in the Plastic Sector
(Materials Program Webinar)
Friday, October 13, 9 am EDT / 2 pm BST
Plastics are ubiquitous; they play important roles in many industries and people’s lives. Unfortunately, their wide use has negative side effects and unintended consequences, many of which are now becoming evident.
Chemical producers generate significant GHG emissions, which are hard to abate. Plastic pollution affects biodiversity. On top of these and other adverse effects and hazards, plastics can lead to financial risks for investors and financial institutions exposed to chemicals and other related industries.
In this webinar, we will gain insights into the specific risks that investors may incur, some of which may not be fully accounted for by the price of an asset in the plastic value chain. An expert from Planet Tracker will provide an overview of the increasing regulatory actions in response to various forms of plastic pollution. Most importantly, we will offer recommendations and suggested targets that will be useful in investors’ engagement with issuers.
Thalia Bofiliou, Senior Investment Analyst, Planet Tracker
Scott McQuiston, ESG Investment Analyst – Fixed Income, abrdn (moderator) |
9:00 am EDT
2:00 pm BST
4. No New Coal Is Within Reach
(Sovereign Decarbonization Program Webinar)
Monday, October 16, 9 am EDT / 2 pm BST
The number of gigawatts of proposed new coal power plants has collapsed by over 70% since 2015 as countries turn their back on coal. Given the poor economic prospects for new coal power plants, and the strong political push to end new coal at the G7 and in the runup to COP28, the goal of ending the construction of new coal plants could be within reach. Though there is still some 35 GW of pre-construction capacity in the pipeline, much of this capacity is not needed and will leave countries saddled with higher energy prices and long-term financial risk.
Join us for this webinar where we will explain where the remaining pipeline for new coal is located; discuss the reasons why these projects are still being considered; and highlight the role that investors can play to persuade governments and utilities that there are better alternatives.
The Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) is a coalition of national and subnational governments, businesses and organizations working to advance the transition from unabated coal power generation to clean energy. By launching the PPCA COP23 in 2017, the UK and Canada brought the leaders together, turning their individual commitments into a diplomatic offensive to advance the transition from coal power across the world. 27 national, provincial, state, and city governments joined initially, endorsing the PPCA Declaration. By now membership spans across 167 national and subnational governments, businesses, and organizations. PPCA members commit to accelerating the transition from coal to clean energy, grounded in the objectives of the PPCA Declaration.
E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism Ltd.) is an independent climate-change think tank with a global outlook. It works on the frontier of the climate landscape tackling the barriers and advancing the solutions to a safe climate, and its goal is to translate climate politics, economics, and policies into action. E3G builds broad-based coalitions to deliver a safe climate, working closely with like-minded partners in government, politics, civil society, science, the media, public interest foundations, and elsewhere. It carries out strategic thinking to identify the ripest areas for change, and produces scenario analysis of critical climate action, identifying the risks and opportunities to make a difference. E3G designs practical institutional solutions to deliver a safe climate, working with partners to implement transformational changes.
Julia Skorupska, Head of Secretariat, Powering Past Coal Alliance
Chris Littlecott, Associate Director, Fossil Fuel Transition E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism Ltd.)
Arturo C. Porzecanski, Senior Advisor, EMIA (moderator) |
10:00 am EDT
3:00 pm BST
5. Nature and Biodiversity Frameworks for Financial institutions
(Financial Institutions Program Webinar)
Thursday, October 19, 10 am EDT / 3 pm BST
Financial Institutions play a pivotal role in protecting and restoring nature and biodiversity through their lending and investment activities. By integrating them into their decision making process, financial institutions can contribute to global efforts to protect and restore nature and biodiversity while supporting economic growth and sustainability.
This webinar is about three important frameworks available to financial institutions to help them understand their dependence and impact on nature and biodiversity and as a result contribute to protect and regenerate them. The frameworks are: The Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, Encore, and The World Benchmarking Alliance’s Nature index.
Anita de Horde, Co-Founder, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
Mariana Martinez del Rio, Programme Officer-Nature Economy, UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Nikki Gwilliam-Beeharee, Investor Engagement Strategy Lead, World Benchmarking Alliance
Maria Tinedo, Director, Financial Institutions Program, EMIA (moderator) |
1. Financial Inclusion Target Setting, Disclosure and Monitoring (Financial Institutions Program Webinar), held on September 14, 2023
Financial institutions play a major role in promoting and advancing financial inclusion by ensuring all individuals and businesses can access affordable and appropriate financial products and services. As a result, they help create inclusive societies and prosperity for future generations.
The signatories to the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) of the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) commit to making the changes necessary to promote universal financial inclusion and the financial health of their customers. To that end, they set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound targets within 18 months of becoming signatories.
In this webinar, our guest speakers discussed PRB’s financial health and inclusion framework, more specifically the targets, indicators, and performance measurement the signatories commit to.
Bancolombia presented its financial health and inclusion framework, which is considered best-in-class among financial institutions.
Other Prior Webinars
Our webinar recordings are available to EMIA members and partners. To watch them visit our events page. |
1. Volunteer Opportunities
The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance could not function without its many volunteers who contribute their skills to our future. If you want to be part of our project, please send us an email at applicants@emia.org including your resume/ or LinkedIn profile, and mentioning "Volunteer Opportunities" in the subject line.
The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to enable institutional investors to support good governance, promote sustainable development, and improve investment performance in the governments and companies in which they invest. EMIA Programs create collaborative forums where investors, subject matter experts, and governments or companies can advance best practice adoption. Programs that focus on sovereigns include the Debt and Fiscal Governance Program; the Sovereign Decarbonization Program; and the Health, Education, and Human Rights Program. Programs that focus on companies include the Extractive Industries Program, Agriculture Program, Financials Program, Materials Program, and Technology, Media, and Telecom (TMT) Program.